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A life devoted to Peace among People and,
dignity and freedom for his Palestine people


Newspaper: La Voz del Interior
Cordoba, Argentine, June 12th, 2003.


The violence’s mother is the israeli occupation (view)

By: Suhail Akel, Palestine Ambassador in Argentina

Nor United States nor Israel want to put end to this situation of violence in Middle East. Israel doesn’t cease the occupation in the Palestinian occupied territories in 1967, nor East Jerusalem’s occupation, and doesn’t permit the return of the refugees.

From the Aqaba´s Summit, on June 4th, up till yesterday, the israeli military forces killed 19 Palestinian civilians, four of them were children or minors; also 145 were wounded.

This escalation is added to the violence’s mother, the occupation, and it will continue producing confrontations. The President Yasser Arafat was excluded from the negotiations by United States and Israel, this is also a symptom of violence, because they left out to a President democratically elected.

If we really want to achieve a sincere peace agreement to stop this bloodbath suffered for the Palestinian and Israeli people, we have to take as base the United Nations´ resolutions and not doing on Israel’s and United States´ concessions.

If we really want to achieve a sincere peace agreement to stop this bloodbath suffered for the Palestinian and Israeli people, we have to take as base the United Nations´ resolutions

The Palestinians support any kind of choice about dialogue and about the end of the occupation. We signed the Madrid’s Agreements in 1991, the Oslo’s Agreements which we signed with Israel in Washington, 1993. Also we signed the Cairo’s Agreements in 1994; the Wye Plantation’s ones, in 1998; and the Camp David’s ones in 2000, we accepted the Mitchell’s and Tenet’s initiatives and the Road Map.

We accepted all the agreements, the same agreements which Israel has violated systematically, in the same way, they violated the United Nations´ resolutions. Therefore, we urge to United States looking for alternatives in order that Israel put end to the occupation and remove the settlements erected since 1967, not only the settlements erected from March 2001, and produce the restitution of the State of Palestine. In this way, the State of Palestine and the State of Israel could live together definitively.

If Israel speculates with Jerusalem, the refugees and the settlements, will destroy the peace policy of the President Arafat and the Prime Minister Mahmud Abbas, and will please to the extremists from both sides, those who want to see us more compromised with death than life.

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